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Title: Chart Integration And Calculations
Author: m. D. Mcnair
Source: 1967 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1967
Abstract: Chart integration and gas volume calculation is a procedure for converting gas measurement data to standard volume units. The Chart Integration Office is the focal point of all field and plant measurment effort in every producing transmission, processing and distribution company. All too often this focal point is accused of being an information bottle neck, for gas volumes information must be dispatched to all departments and operating levels of the company as soon as possible after the close of the month. Operations must have gas volume information for production control and efficiency d e terminations. Engineering uses gas volumes in forecasting, scheduling, and equipment design. Accounting, of course, converts MCF to dollars, which is the main reason for the whole operation. The Chart Integration Office is a high volume shop where each employee is a specialist in meeting deadlines.

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