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Title: The Bell Type Prover
Author: Allen D. Maclean
Source: 1940 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1940
Abstract: The standard of measurement which has been adopted almost unanimously by the gas industry is the cubic foot. A true cubic foot is defined as the space occupied by a cube which is exactly one linear foot on each,side and in which all surfaces are either parallel to or at right angles to all other surfaces. Since the cubic font is important in gas measurement, it might pay us to go back a little into its ancestry, to see just what sort of forbears it descends from, We have stated that the true right-angled cube must be one linear foot on all its sides to give us an exact cubic foot. This means that we must have a real definition of a linear foot, Tt is usually defined as one-third of a yard, a yard being identified as the length of an official metallic bar maintained by the Bureau of Standards in Washington, This yard in turn is a certain fixed portion /36QO of a meter bar of iridlo

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