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Title: Increasing The Capacity Of Existing Distribution Systems
Author: Howard m. Boyer
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: The growth cycle of a typical gas distribution system starts with an accelerated territorial expansion rate that continues until the boundaries are reached. Concurrent with or following the expansion is a process of consolidation as gaps are filled in and the system becomes fully gridded. The third phase might be characterized as transitional the geographical distribution of loads can be affected by changes of land use, and the magnitude of loads affected by increased gas utilization per customer. Even though much thought and effort are apjilied to the master planning of new systems, predictions are seldom wholly confirmed by events. A once finely tuned network can get out of kilter with the passage of time. Eventually, the capacity of the system must be augmented. Bui finding the best solution, that is, the proper amount of reinforcement at the proper time and most important at the proper location, is a difficult task because the network is likely to have become very complex. There are usually several plans which will meet the design parameters, but only one that will prove to have the best economic performance, and so we are confronted by a problem of optimization.

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