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Title: Guide To Trouble Shooting Problems With Liquid Meters And Provers
Author: Brian Pierce
Source: 2012 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to familiarize those involved with the Measurement and Troubleshooting of Proving Systems commonly used in the Measurement Industry. Due to the demand and consumption of Hydrocarbon Products, the need to accurately Measure these volumes, is becoming more prevalent by the day. With the high volumes being produced in Deep Water Drilling, and Pipeline Transfers, its understood by everyone in the Measurement Industry that a small error in volumes of Single Phase Hydrocarbon Measurement can be a significant lost in Revenue. Due to the time allowed for this class, we will discuss Trouble Shooting Problems with Liquid PD Meters and Conventional Bi-Directional Provers in Hydrocarbon Measurement. We will also briefly discuss the importance of designing and installing the LACT components correctly as a measure of trouble shooting problems.

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