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Title: The Role Of Operating Personnel In Negligence Litigation
Author: Francis m. Walsh
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: Operating personnel at the site of a gas incident are the utilities first line of defense to a future claim. The negligence scene in the country today is explored. Some basics of negligence law are given. The importance of facts, as compared to law or trial tactics, is stressed. Operating people are reminded that they could be vital witnesses for their companies in negligence suits. Depositions are explained, and some basic rules for being a good witness are stated. I am sure many of you have seen the movie, The Verdict. Whether you liked it or not, 1 am sure your wives enjoyed looking at Paul Newman. Most trial lawyers would find fault with the picture on technical grounds. For example, nothing was proven by the plaintiff, and the case should have been dismissed instead of being sent to the jury. In his summation, the plaintiffs attorney said absolutely nothing. However, I enjoyed it myself for several reasons the most important one being it accurately portrayed the utter frustration of a trial attorney who at the last minute cannot produce the necessary witness.

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