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Title: Determination Of Line LOSSES-LOW Pressure Lines
Author: O. H. Hegemann
Source: 1940 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1940
Abstract: The unaccounted for gas, which is the difference between the gas purchased and gas sold, is composed principally of differences in metering, unmetered gas, and leakage. In order to stay within the scope of the subject of this paper, only the determination of actual leakage will be considered. Also, determination of hne losses will be considered as including detection of losses. Since the term high pressure generally is considered to refer to transmission lines, it will be assumed that the term low pressure includes all lines in a city distribution system. This classification may be actually broken down into groups such as low pressure meaning lines carrying from 4 to S inches water column pressure, intermediate pressure carrying from 1 pound to 25 pounds, and high pressure pertaining to supply lines carrying from 30 pounds to 7S pounds pressure, depending on the load and season of the year.

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