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Title: Improving Process Sampling with Automation. Reducing Human Interaction, Improving Repeatability, and Reproducibility Well Reducing Operating Costs.
Author: Matthew P. Pylychaty Tyson L. Bergheim
Source: 2018 Canadian School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2018
Abstract: With operation and device performance normally being referenced to a sample of sorts, great improvements can be made to installations, to reduce cost. With the ability to induce an error in a sample by simply being human, the ability to automate these systems is present. With automation, a samples repeatability and reproducibility can be greatly improved, well at the same time removing human interaction and greatly reduce ones exposure to the process. Automation also allows for more hazardous samples to be taken as the human exposure is no longer present, well at the same time improve the device performance, as the device is now compared to a method that is completed the same way, every time via automation.

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