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Title: Low - Speed Jerking Motion Of The Reciprocating Double - Pistons Gas Prover
Author: Zhipeng Xu Jun Zhou Jiayin Dai Dailiang Xie
Source: Flomeko 2016
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: Piston prover is widely used as gas flow standard for its advantages like high accuracy, flow stab ility , good repeatability , and so on . In our former research on the r eciprocating d ouble - piston g as p rover , obviously low - speed jerking motion wa s found when the flow rate wa s less than 0.064 m 3 /h. Sometimes the prover even stopped working due to overloaded torque of server motors . T o solve this problem, the mechanism of the low - speed jerking wa s carefully analyzed. And t he simple solution of stack ing a high frequency saw - tooth wave into the constant speed of the piston was proposed . As a result, t he mechanical structure could be avoid ed amending since there were only some change s within the control program. Detailed experiments ha d been carried out for the calibration of the venture nozzle whose flow rate wa s about 0.04 m 3 /h. And the results show ed that the torque of servo motors has been reduced from about 120% of their nomin al torque to only 60% when a 50 Hz wave has been stacked

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