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Title: Shnboard Sampling For Accountability In Custody Transfer
Author: E. Garsetti, P. S. Harrison, E. R. Robinson
Source: 1997 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1997
Abstract: The importance of water measurement in ithe marine transportation of crude oil is considerable. A study carried out by the Institute of Petroleum and reported in Petroleum Review has shown that on a sample of 6,500 voyages, the quantity of water detected in the outturn was on average 0.13 percent higher than had been declared in the bill of lading and, furthermore, a discrepancy of 0.5 percait between the outturn and bill of lading water content was not unusual. These discrepancies have enormous financial implications and highlight the need for inTOved sampling and analysis methods. Lideed, this study showed that the larger water discrepancies occurred when the bill of lading had been based upon shore tank manual sampling techniques and analysis by centrifiige. The problems associated with manual sampling had long been suspected and over seven years ago SG!5 Redwood set out to develop a portable sampler which could be used to collect representative samples of crude oil and products being loaded onto or discharged from a vessel.

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