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Title: Process For Blending Components
Author: Joe Queck
Source: 1996 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1996
Abstract: The preparation and proper use of gas and liquid standards has become very sophisticated in the last decade. Advances in both manufacturing and analytical methodology have greatly increased the reliability and diversity of both gaseous and liquid standards. A whole industry has evolved from the demand for these mixtures. Gas and liquid standards have similar consideration prior to manufacture. The first consideration should always be: Can the mixture be made? To determine the feasibility of preparing a standard, one must consider the possible limitations, either physically or safety imposed. Physical limitations may include things such as purity, vapor pressure restrictions, and reactivity. Safety considerations include filling density, reactivity, and selection of the proper container, valve, and safety devices in accordance with D.O-T (Department of Transportation) Regulations and recommendations of the Compressed Gas Association.

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