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Title: Large Volume Measurement By Turbine And Rotary Meters
Author: Daniel R. Fulton
Source: 1980 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Volume measurement of gas by turbine and rotary type gas meters is becoming increasingly Important. Each type meter has its own characteristics and each offers distinct advantages in the production, transmission and distribution segments of the gas industry. With the value of gas increasing significantly, more attention is being given to accurate measurement at the point of sale and quite often, depending on the flow rates, either turbine or rotary meters best fit the need. For instance, in production measurement the turbine and rotary meter are used in custody transfer, well testing, compressor fuel and in other field accounting applications. In the transmission segment these same meters are used for custody transfer of gas volumes as well as for internal accounting of gas usage such as compressor fuel consumption. In distribution measurement turbine and rotary meters are used for large volume sales to industrial and commercial type accounts.

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