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Title: Web-Based Solutions For Orifice Measurment & Monitering
Author: Mark B. Fillman
Source: 2008 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: In todays Internet age, the development of practical and cost-effective web-based solutions in energy measurement is a logical extension of the latest technologies. Major pipeline companies have long been dependent on advanced measurement and communication technologies, such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). But with todays improved electronic flow measurement and communication technologies, ever-increasing bandwidth, ubiquitous Internet access, high energy prices, and chronic personnel shortages, remote monitoring services have become a profitable solution for every segment of the industryincluding small and mid-size companies. This whitepaper will provide the basic blueprint of a system for providing leading edge, web-based measurement and monitoring solutions, and will review some of the benefits and challenges facing this transition to a more digital environment.

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