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Title: Cathodic Protection Gas- Storage Field Well Casings
Author: A. W. Hamlin
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: Wells that have to be plugged as a result of corrosion damage cant store gas. Because of this, the recent acceleration in gas storage field construction has been accompanied by a corresponding interest in evaluation and control of corrosion on storage well casings. Consumers Power Company and its subsidiary, Michigan Gas Storage Company, gas storage facilities consist of approximately 1100 wells and 650 miles of gathering system piping, located in four widely separated areas of Michigans lower peninsula. We provided cathodic protection for the 650 miles of gathering system piping in these storage fields several years ago and now are completing a program to provide similar protection for all exterior storage well casing surfaces. Previously only those well casings near an existing cathodic protection rectifier (where interference problems might result) were protected.

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