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Title: Distribution Economics Of Marketing Natural Gas
Author: Edward J. Sondey
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: When it was announced that I would discuss a distributors viewpoints on the current economics of marketing natural gas, a colleague of mine questioned what possible relationship these areas could share. Frankly, I was quite pleased with the thought. Not at having to give a speech, mind you, but pleased that the Operating Section members who have planned this conference share a common goal with the management of Brooklyn Union. That is, to explore and produce every possible method needed to competitively market our product, now and in the future. As responsible representatives of the natural gas industry, we owe this to our customers, our shareholders and ourselves. Your presence here today confirms that. Certainly, the complex nature of the natural gas industry has forced all of us to react differently to the serious economic issues currently facing our industry. Unless these differences are resolved in the foreseeable future, natural gas will continue to exist in an atmosphere of abnormal market conditions at non competitive prices.

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