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Title: Measurement Complications Due To Alternate Gas Supplies
Author: L. J. Kemp
Source: American Gas Association 1973
Year Published: 1973
Abstract: Today the energy shortage is an item of top priority for the gas industry. Every day one hears of major new projects to make available alternate gas supplies of LNG and SNG. A few have already been started and this winter will see several more projects go into operation. These alternate gas supplies can pose many measurement problems for operating gas transmission and distribution companies. Some of these are quite obvious and direct technical problems. Others are not so obvious and can sneak up on the unwary operating company. The most obvious direct technical problem is in the measurement of LNG in the liquid slate. One learns quickly that good physical properties data on LNG mixtures are non existent. The densities for component gases in the liquid state are quite different and vary drastically with only relatively small changes in temperature.

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