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Title: The Computer Facility: A Candidate For On-Site Utilities
Author: William J. Weaver, Jr.
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: COMPUTERS, the phenomenon of the 60s, have enabled man to achieve some of his fondest-and wildest-dreams, including traveling in space and standing On the moon, But without computers, thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians who worked on the spate project still would be sitting in some vast complex of buildings figuring out the basic arithmetic of the thousands of extremely complicated equations involved in each minor subsystem of the first space shot. A similar dilemma would exist in a multitude of other areas. A vast army of dedicated men and women working at great distances from each other and without the means of rapid and accurate exchange of information still would be laboring patiently over reams of basic research data, looking for the foundation of the fantastic breakthroughs accomplished by modem medical science.

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