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Title: Calibration Cost: A Function Of Calibration Data Accuracy
Author: H. F. Gonealez, J. A. Harmon
Source: 1983 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: This paper discusses the effect of inaccur: management data on the costs of calibration. cost sensitivity is discussed for errors of the first and second kind in recorded data of in or out of tolerance condition where this data is used to determine the calibration interval. White Sands Missile Range ex erience B is related to the use of computer aded etermination of instrument conditipn upon receipt for calibration. The cost model includes lnventor ?nd service coat, but does not Include compu atIon of intanglble or unauditable costs associated with measurements made with a defective instrument. It is concluded that considerable cost savings can be achieved with improvement in management data quality.

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