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Title: Coping With Diesel Fuel Waxing
Author: Raymond B. Harris
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: Diesel engines, because of their efficiency, are frequently used in the type of equipment operated by major utilities, transportation divisions, and vehicle services departments. Average performance of #2 diesei fuel in the use of diesei equipment that is expected to encounter temperatures below the diesei fuels natural cloud point is desirable. In order to attain this performance, the use of additives, selected through careful testing and evaluation of the fuel, is essential. Any operator of diesel-powered equipment who anticipates temperatures below the natural cloud point of the #2 diesei fuel should be concerned with the possibility of diesei fuel waxing. The major advantage of using diesei-powered equipment is the consumption of less fuel than a comparable gasoline engine. Additionally, #2 diesel fuel has a higher latent heat energy per unit volume than does gasoline. In order for the operators of diesel-powered equipmept to gain the full advantage of diesei efficiencies, potential problems inherent in the use of #2 diesei fuel at temperatures below its natural cloud point are best addressed through careful attention to prevention of fuel filter plugging and other potential performance detractors that prevent such machinery from operating at the efficiency for which it was selected.

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