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Title: Maintaining 1,000 NGVs-History Of Nipscos Ngv Program
Author: Verl L. Elms, John J. Hart
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) began its natural gas vehicle conversion program in October, 1981. Today, the Company has approximately 914 vehicles using natural gas as their primary fuel. NIPSCO believes that its NGV program is successful because of four main reasons: (1) total company commitment, (2) the process used to select the conversion equipment, (3) the training that was provided to its employees, and (4) the preventive maintenance program used for the NGVs. NIPSCO is enjoying fuel cost savings that are an added benefit not sought when the Company initiated the NGV conversion program. In April I98I, Transportation Operations of Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) began evaluating the use of alternate fuels in its fleet. With the recurring shortages of gasoline, our major objective was to try to ensure that we would be able to provide service to our customers. Our only intent at that time was to reduce our dependency on gasoline.

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