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Title: Economics Of Electronic Gas Measurement
Author: Tom R. Cheney
Source: 1999 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: In todays world we almost accept computers without question. In fact we place our hard-earned dollars and in some cases even our very lives in their care without a second thought. Computers and electronic technologies have greatly impacted the way everyone does their business. For those of us who work in the oil and gas industry, the use of electronic gas measurement devices (EFM) is an example of this impact. With the use of the EFM, and associated electronic equipment, we not only have the option to measure gas volumes but to retrieve required data instantly and enhance production through well automation. As in any business, before the decision is made to upgrade or change from the standard method of measurement using the typical dry flow chart recorder, the economics of such a decision needs to be evaluated. You will find that the economic justification of using EFM is often difficult to quantify.

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