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Title: Considerations For Design And Selection Of Low Temperature Piping Insulation Systems
Author: Bingham H. Van Dyke
Source: American Gas Association 1976
Year Published: 1976
Abstract: The Design & Construction Task Group of the LNG Committee has among its objectives the compiling of experience and suggestions from plant operators, contractors, suppliers and the technical sector leading to an awareness of problem areas and technological advancements in the slate of the art of the various segments comprising a cryogenic facility. Low temperature insulated piping is one of these areas and the subject of this presentation. From the earliest attempts to insulate piping for systems operating below ambient temperature it was recognized that problems existed which are not experienced with warm piping, and these are primarily associated with the natural tendency for water, as vapor in normal air, to seek the cold surface of the pipe, resulting in reduced effectiveness and destruction of the insulation. Improved insulation materials have been developed but unless they are properly installed into a properly designed system the results will not produce the maximum potential from the materials. This paper will deal with some of the problems and provide some guidelines. It is not intended as a substitute for a definitive specification, which in all cases should be responsibly prepared.

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