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Title: An Alternate Derivation Of The Orifice Meter Calculation
Author: Kenneth R. Hall, Kenneth N. Marsh, Philip T. Eubank, James O. Holste
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: A new derivation of the orifice performance equation reveals that if the pressure change and the temperature change are measured, the discharge coefficient does not appear. Additional benefits accrue from using pipe laps. Orifices are the most widely used (and probably have been the longest used) devices for measuring flowrates of fluids. Recently, economic pressures have dictated a careful evaluation of the procedure for using these devices with (he goal of improving the accuracy and extending the applicable ranges. The National Bureau of Standards currently has two major experimental projects underway addressing these issues. Another approach to the problem involves the detailed review of the basic performance equation. For compressible fluids, such as gases, an alternative derivation is possible that possesses many advantages. The new derivation is the subject of this paper.

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