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Title: Variation In LNG Heating Value During Ocean Transportation
Author: Harold E. Seaward
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: The variation in LNG heating value during ocean transportation is directly related to the boil-off which in turn results from the heat leak to the stored liquid. It is possible to estimate the amount of boil-off expected based on previous experience, but the heat leak can vary considerably, depending on the roughness of the seas during the transport. A common LNG demonstration utilizes a clear Dewar flask of LNG fitted with a stopper drilled for a burner tip. At a becalmed state, the LNG vapor burns quite nicely but, when the Dewar flask is shaken slightly, the burner flame shoots up dramatically. This demonstrates the variation in boil-ofF possible with a vessel in continuous motion, constantly changing the area of the wetted tank Walls available for the heat leak.

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