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Title: Flow Measurement By Insertion Turbine Meters
Author: John C. Boykin
Source: 1975 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: The value of hydrocarbon products today is increasing at an unprecedented rate. The importance of accuracy in measuring these products is, therefore, becoming more critical. In addition, the cost of construction and operation has increased dramatically. The demand for the products is steadily growing. The higher demand level is forcing new construction and the increase of throughput capability in existing facilities. Existing transmission and distribution lines are being looped and/or packed. Additional cross-country lines are being built. The construction of new loading and storage facilities has generated the need for many miles of relatively large lines (4 inches through 48 inches). New regulations require the measurement in flare stacks and effluent lines, as well as the provision for leak detection on large cross-country hydrocarbon product lines. Natural Gas transmission companies are likely to be required to add odorant to their gas in areas where they pass through or near towns or cities. The costs of hydrocarbon products and water have produced an added interest in the measurement of internal plant utilities for accounting purposes. In short, there is a need for improved measurement techniques.

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