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Title: Town Gas-An Overview
Author: Lawrence H. Liebs
Source: American Gas Association 1985
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: own gas calls to mind the manufactured gas era thai began to fade as natural gas became more available after World War II. Aside from sonic peak shaving facilities still operating into the 1960s and 70s, most of our recollection of manufactured gas are stored in technical texts, company photos, archives, and the memories of older employees and retirees. Recently, the natural gas industry has gone back to reexamine those plants and processes from a perspective divorced from the actual production of fuel for illumination and other purposes. Thai perspective is necessitated by the possibility that materials regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), and similar state regulations may have been left behind at the locations of some gas manufactories and may be impacting the environment through migration or other means. Also, the extension of corporate liability for those materials under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and liability Act (CERCL.A or Superfund) and their state and local counterparts may place members of many industries in a difficult position, since CERCLA denotes liability for activities that may have been non-regulated ortotally legal at the time of operation.

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