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Title: Methods Used To Prevent Pipeline Stresses On Existing Cast Iron Pipe: A Utilitys Viewpoint
Author: Edward P. Krause
Source: American Gas Association 1980
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: The title of my presentation is Methods Used to Prevent Pipeline Stresses on Existing Cast Iron Pipe -A Utilitys Viewpoint, However, I would like to start with a few brief historical statements about the gas industry, cast iron pipe and its usage in our Company. In 1792 an Englishman, William Murdock, succeeded in distilling coal in an iron retort and piping the gas given off through tinned tubes to his residence to be used for lighting purposes -the beginning of the gas industry. Bell and spigot joint pipe was invented in 1795 by another Englishman, Sir Thomas Simpson, engineer of the Chelsea Water Company, London, England, In 1812 the London and Westminster Gas Light and Coal Company was granted a charter to distribute gas. The following year the Westminster Bridge was lighted and the citizens of London were dumbfounded by the spectacle - the beginning of gas distribution.

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