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Title: Proceedings Of The Twenty-Sixth Annual Gas Measurement Short Course - Part IV
Author: R. H. Welker
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: To a man that likes his regulators, the main Hne stations offer a challenge that is unique in the Gas Industry. He knows that it will be necessary to deal with high pressure situations that are not going to occur again once he has reduced the pressure for distribution. Not only must the control valve itself be highly versatile, but the controller or pilot system must be equally versatile. Consider some of the problems facing the control valve and its ancillary equipment. We would expect this equipment to handle high pressure drops during minimum load conditions, handle low pressure drops (5 PSl and less) during maximum load conditions, deal with transient particles and cutting conditions, offer satisfactory noise characteristics, a positive shut-off. be reasonably easy to inspect and offer high quality regulation under any set of operating conditions. Perhaps you think this is asking too much of the control equipment? Not at all and in fact, with our modern measurement requirements due to the cost of gas, the list does not have all of the requirements yet. The essence of the matter is that we have got to be demanding. A main line regulator station improperly built is going to require considerable maintenance, plus it is likely to cauye poor measurement records. The company whose job it is to regulate at the main line station also wants to be sure that his equipment never restricts the flow of gas during peak load conditions and if it is possible, it should not allow the pressure to droop noticeably during normal load fluctuations.

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