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Title: Measurement And Regulation From Extremely High Pressure Gas Wells
Author: Sidney H, Smith, Jr.
Source: 1941 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1941
Abstract: In previous paper.s presented at this school tliis subject has been well presented, particularly from a theoretical standpoint. Retrograde condensation and its influence on measurement problems has been ably discussed and consequently will not be dealt with in detail in this paper. This also applies in particular to the discussion of coefficients and the various methods used in determining Boyles Law deviation factors. It is the aim of this paper to present data gathered from as many practical sources as possible in regard to the mechanical difficulties encountered in attempting to measure and regulate large volumes of wet gas at pressures of from 1,000 pounds per square inch to 3,000 pounds per square inch. Of necessity, most of tliis data has been acquired from experience in connection with recycling plant operations. With present measuring equipment, the orifice meter is tl-ie only device that can be used to measure such large volumes under necessary operating conditions as are found in recycling plant operations. The meter itself has been built to stand higher pressures, but otherwise has not been appreciably changed. Methods of calculating clrarts are the same with the exception of deviation factons due to higiier pressures and sealing liquids.

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