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Title: House Service Regulators
Author: H. Mike Meuppels
Source: 1941 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1941
Abstract: House Service Regulators have been discussed many times at this School, however, reviewing last years proceedings it is noted they were omitted. Since there are so many in use and their use is increasing year after year it seems they have a place on the program. It Is essential that constant pressure be maintained on all regulators and especially important on house service regulators where the pressure is reduced to burner consumption. The gas regulator manufacturers are constantly striving to improve the product to meet requirements of the improvements in gas burning appliances, Closer regulation improves performance and helps to elimiirate service calls. These are of prime importance to the gas, utility and pipe line companies and are of benefit to the consumer in efficient utilization as well as improving public relations between customer and company.

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