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Title: Cost Reducing Ideas
Author: Henry H. Friediger
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: The distribution, construction, and maintenance committee felt that during the difficult economic conditions experienced by our companies over the past two years, each of us has implemented many belt tightening programs in an effort to reduce costs and thus improve earnings or our competitive position with other fuels. The committee has prepared a brief summary of 55 of the many ideas submitted for your consideration. Placing a dollar value on each of the items that would be meaningful to each company presents a problem. Thus we chose to indicate the relative value of each item in terms of the dollar savings per installed gas meter for the company submitting the idea. Therefore, a 50,000 annual savings for a 500,000 meter company would be reported as a O.1O/meter savings. Thus any company wishing to relate the dollar value of an idea to their company could multiply their meters by the -per-meter savings factor. While not perfect, this method should yield ball park results.

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