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Title: Modelling Of Wet Gas Flow In Venturi Meters To Predict The Differential Pressure
Author: H.R.E. Van Maanen, H. De Leeuw
Source: 2016 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: Fossil fuels will remain to provide a large fractio n of the worlds energy needs in the decades to come. As natural gas is a relativel y clean fuel and because of its abundance, it is expected to be a major contributor . However, virtually all gas- wells produce not only gas, but also liquids, both hydrocarbon condensates as well as water. The latter consists of condensed wa ter and often also formation water. Such flows of gas and liquids are usually re ferred to wet-gas. In this paper, we will use the term wet-gas for such flows where the Lockhart-Martinelli (LM) parameter is below 0.35 and the flow is not sl ugging or unstable (e.g. churn flow).

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