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Title: Pressure Losses In Compressor Yard Piping Systems
Author: A. J. Green, S. G. Armstrong, D. S. Miller
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: Compressor yard piping is often complex with pipeline components, such as tees and bends, in close proximity. Pressure losses in compressor yard piping are the most concentrated in the whole gas transmission system and are dependent on the spacing and orientation between components. An experimental programme to determine pressure losses of individual bends and tees (combining/dividing) and of combinations of bends and tees has been carried out. Loss coefficients and interaction coefficients that take account of the close spacing of components and their orientation were determined. The results of the extensive experimental programme have been combined with reliable information from the literature to produce an Engineers Design Handbook for compressor yard systems. The importance of the results to pressure loss prediction and to the design of compressor yard piping is stressed. An outline of how the results can be applied to real compressor yard systems is included.

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