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Title: The Pulse Rectifier
Author: Ted m. Doniguian
Source: American Gas Association 1982
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: The Pulse Rectifier is a unique cathodic protection device designed to provide corrosion protection to buried metal structures such as well casing and pipelines. As is the case with conventional cathodic protection rectifiers, the Pulse Rectifier acheives corrosion protection by supplying a current to the outside surfaces of the structure to be protected. The Pulse Rectifier, in contrast, supplies a series of very short duration voltage pulses between the structure and the buried anode electrode, instead of a continuous voltage. The magnitude and duration of these pulses have been designed to achieve improved current flow by taking advantage of the naturally occuring inductive properties of buried metal structures. The results of test demonstrating the unique features of the Pulse Rectifier are highlighted in this paper.

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