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Title: LNG From Indonesia-Prospects And Problems
Author: Raymond W. Todd
Source: American Gas Association 1975
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: As I approach the end of almost 40 years in the natural gas industry, I take pleasure in reflecting on the many friendships that have developed from my various A.G.A. activities, including several years on the Pipeline Research Committee. As I am sure most of you recognize, the work of that committee has contributed greatly to the improvement of our gas transmission systems. Over these years our industry has faced many challenges. Those challenges seemed monumental at the time. But I dont believe any of them were as vital as the gas supply situation that we are confronted with presently. I neednt describe the current gas shortage to you. Most of you are facing serious supply curtailments in the near future. Many of you already have experienced them. Even worse, I understand that some of you have been ordered not to accept new customers.

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