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Title: Determining Hydrocarbon Dew Point Per Gas Chromatographic Analysis And Equations Of State
Author: Shane Hale
Source: 2014 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2014
Abstract: The determination of the hydrocarbon dew point (HCDP) for natural gas has recently become a critical issue for the natural gas industry because of the rapid expansion of interconnecting pipe lines and the rise of the rich shale gas source of natural gas. Whereas previously the gas in a pipeline would come from a small number of known producers, the gas flowing through the pipeline today could have come from many varied sources including traditional gas plant producers (de-hydr ation, CO2, H2S and N2 control, and removal of condensates), coal bed methane producers (98% methane), lo w cost producers (de-hy dration only) or global exporters of LNG.

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