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Title: Multiphase Measurement System With Fully Redundant Measurements To Improve Accuracy And Simplify Maintenance
Author: Arnstein Wee
Source: 1999 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: Multiphase flow meters have been accepted and used by the industry for reservoir management and production allocation for several years. Multiphase metering is a fairly new technology that is an attractive alternative to test separators due to reduced field development and maintenance costs in addition to real time information as opposed to long term averages. However, multiphase metering technology is not yet very well understood by all fieldoperators, which makes it more challenging to verify correct operation and further to detect and isolate failures compared to conventional test separators. Traditionally, three phase measurements has been performed by separating the flow and measuring at single-phase conditions. Single-phase measurements are well understood by the industry and although the measurement uncertainties of a test separator in many cases are underestimated due to the operational limitations and maintenance requirements, operators normally have procedures and skilled personnel to ensure reliable measurements. Multiphase measurement differs from a traditional single-phase measurement system by simultaneously performing multiple measurements to measure multiple flow rates. Since the final results are based on a combination of several measurements, any error in just one of the measurements may affect one, several or all the derived flow rates. This aspect of multiphase metering adds to the complexity of deriving simple procedures for maintenance and proving of a multiphase flow meter. Consequently, operators are reluctant to remove the test separator as a proving mechanism to fully take advantage of the cost benefit by using multiphase flow meter. This paper describes a system that can justify omitting the test separator as a proving mechanism by adding two independent and redundant systems to a standard MFI MultiPhase Meter. The system is an integrated part of the MFI MultiPhase Management System (MMS) and enables operators to extend savings in investment and operating expenditures gained from multiphase metering technology.

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