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Title: Formal Mass Assurance Under Regulatory Control
Author: Walter E. Kupper
Source: 1993 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1993
Abstract: Governments have supervised the field of weighing since the beginning of civilization. It is easy to see why: as soon as commodities are traded and accounted for by the pound, ounce, grain and scruple, there needs to be an authority that sets and safeguards the standards for the weights and the process of weighing. This authority has traditionally been exercised by governments through their Weights & Measures organizations. The regulatory control over measurements is known as legal metrology, and its core objective is to ensure equty in commercial transactions. In the broadest sense, commercial transactions enc0mpas*es all situations where a price, toll, tariff, tax, bonus. penalty, etc., is charge,3 or paid on the basis of mass.

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