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Title: Accreditation Is A Piece Of Cake
Author: Chester Franklin
Source: 2001 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2001
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide a management perspective on laboratory accreditation, to show that any calibration or testing laboratory (no matter the fields or accuracy) can be accredited, and to give some guidelines on how that can be accomplished. This paper reviews, but does not answer the questions of whether accreditation is desirable, necessary or economically feasible for everyone. What is an accredited laboratory? Simply stated it is one thats recognized! Somebody (a.k.a., a Third Party) pronounces that they recognize it (the laboratory) as being competent. That is to say that the laboratory personnel can demonstrate that they do their work according to their own documented procedures and the stuff in some written standard. Nowadays that written standard is usually a little twenty-two-page document popularly known as ISO 17025 (Guide 25 to those laboratories that are already accredited or who are behind the curve). However, there is no guarantee that an accredited laboratory can do everything that the customer wants done, the way he wants it done. Thinking is not a lost art!

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