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Title: A S T A T U S On E L E C T R O N I C Data Interchange Standards And Protocols
Author: R. C. Leitschuh, Jr.
Source: 1992 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1992
Abstract: Ttie Metered Volume Statement is an industry familiar technical invoice which serves to document a quantity of gas and/or equivalent heating value recorded through an individual meter or netered location. The statement is primarily used in custotty transactions for invoicing periods and often provides sufficient information for cierational verification- While the Metered Volurte Statement is recognized as a standard docunent, it has never been established in a standard format. Ihe statements are as united in structure as the parties responsible for issuing them. The elements vftiich ccstrprise a typical industry statement, however, can be grotied in three basic segments

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