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Title: Distributed Processing Scada System
Author: B. Kenneth Fouts
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: At CNG Transmission Corporation, the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system plays an important role in the operation of its 8,400 miles of pipeline, 64 compressor stations, and 13 storage pools. CNG Transmission Corporation is an interstate pipeline company operating principally in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Virginia. Willowglen of Calgary, Canada is installing a master station, using SUN Microsystems hardware, to replace the existing 12 year old system. The distributed processing master station consists of workstations, processors, and peripherials communicating over an elhernet Local Area Network (LAN). The Willowglen software SCADACOM is an advanced object oriented application. The Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) are an interesting combination of 200 Daniel, 80 Kledyne, and 20 Bristol computers, at 150 remote locations, communicating via modbus protocol. The communications hnks include private microwave (analog and digital), multiple address radio, leased telephone circuits, VSAT satellite, fiber optics, pubhc dial telephone circuits, and private cable routes.

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