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Title: Automated Bills Of Material
Author: R. S. WuLSH,
Source: American Gas Association 1971
Year Published: 1971
Abstract: WHEN computers first were introduced into the gas utility industry, engineers used them primarily for engineering calculations, This was the logical place to begin because for engineers the greatest savings were in this area. Even today at Consumers Power Company, engineers spend approximately 80% of their computer dollars on engineering calculations. However, we have realized that there are equally important payoffs in other computer applications. For example, computers have been used quite well to compile cost information on engineering projects or to keep track of material ordered for the job. A logical extension along these lines is to use the computer to help order material. This paper describes the development and implementation of a computer program that alleviates the manual processes necessary to order material. The program is limited to use in our general office design activity. Similar systems are under development for use in division offices.

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