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Title: Simple Approach To Practical Solutions Of Machinery And Maintenance Vibration Problems
Author: Ralph T. Buscarello
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: What does the word vibration as applied to machinery do to an engineer? For some, it reminds them of a difficult mathematical course they took in college. For the non-formally trained, but with good experience, the word reminds them that in his work with machinery, there is a portion that he doesnt understand very well and whenever he tried to cope with vibration. either he was lucky and guessed right the first time or he had the horror of costly trial and error. For many it brings thoughts of special creatures with black boxes and flashing lights, coupled with a little black magic. But vibrations should bring to mind a practical subject that should be taught in trade school, as it can easily be reduced to laymans language and for any good mans reasoning process. Then, all of the promises -of longer running time, longer bearing and seal life, higher quality product, and so onwould have more meaning, and there would be a chance that the simple steps to achieve them would be readily carried out.

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