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Title: Analytically Correct Components And Systems And Why They Are Important
Author: Donald P. Mayeaux
Source: 2008 Natural Gas Sampling Technology Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: Most of the basic components of modern day sample conditioning systems were originally designed for application in pneumatic and hydraulic controls systems. As analyzers began their migration from laboratory settings to field locations sample conditioning became necessary. Early sample conditioning systems were primitive in their design, fabrication, and operation. At that time analyzers were utilized primarily for rough process control. Highly accurate compositional analysis was not expected nor obtained. In order to obtain the desired level of accuracy required by modern day analytical applications sample conditional systems (SCS) must become as efficient as their analyzer counterpart. For that to occur system component design and construction must be analytically correct. Additionally the system itself must be fabricated and operated in an analytically correct manner. Analytically correctness, as referenced in this presentation, means a manner of designing, constructing, and operating a sample conditioning system such that sample fluid compositions will not be altered in their passage through the system. Other characteristics of an analytically correct system are (a) low internal volume, (b) essentially no dead volume in the flow path of sample which will be analyzed, and (c) rapid fluid composition equilibrium.

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