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Title: Operating Experience With Remote Supervisory Control And Telemetering
Author: E. J. Burgin
Source: 1964 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1964
Abstract: In all probability, everyone here has reviewed the program and is aware that during this period we shall discuss operating experiences with telemetering and supervisory control to maintain a high load factor and safe operating conditions on a pipeline transmission company, No attempt will be made to discuss the detailed operation, maintenance, or calibration procedures as these items are covered in other instructional periods, and, of course, it is intended that our emphasis be directed more to operating experiences. For those persons interested in the more detailed instruction on the actual operation and maintenance of the individual components of telemetering and supervisory system, their attention is directed to the excellent literature provided by the various manufacturers and other classes conducted here at the school.

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