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Title: Determination Of Optimal Calibration Intervals - A Risk Based Approach
Author: Nadezhda Pashnina, Paul Daniel
Source: 2016 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: The current economic challenges facing the upstream oil and gas sector has driven an urgent need to reduce costs and improve efficien cy. A reduction of operating costs may be achieved through the extension of the calibration intervals. The maintenance strategies associated with fiscal and c ustody transfer measurement systems have traditionally been based on a time-ba sed approach (maintenance activities are scheduled at fixed intervals), witho ut much consideration to past equipment performance and the introduction of ever more intelligent diagnostic capabilities of modern instrumentation. However, c ustody transfer, fiscal and allocation metering are essentially the cash regist ers of the company and their performance must be assured to minimise financial e xposure. Similarly, complying with EU regulation for the monitoring, re porting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions requires the operators to have in place a measurement plan defining the calibration and maintenance regim e required in order to meet the specified uncertainty levels for activity data for the applied tiers

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