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Title: Look Into The Future-Gas-Fueled Environmental Control Devices
Author: Robert C. Weast
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: During the period I was collecting material for this paper, I read a short article by Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, President, University of San Francisco. Although the article he wrote dealt with social problems, I fell that Dr, Hayakawas examples were particularly timely regarding the situation we in the gas industry find as we look into the future of gas-fueled environmental control devices, By such devices I mean those apparatuses that heat, cool and regulate the humidity of the spaces in which we live and work. Dr. Hayakawa staled that speakers and commentators refer nowadays very frequently to self-fulfilling prophecies. This is an interesting phrase and an important idea, A self-fulfilling prophecy is a statement that is neither true nor false, but is capable of becoming true if it is believed.

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