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Title: Fundamentals Of Bellows-Type Orfice Meters
Author: E. A. Lommatsch
Source: 1982 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: IHTRODUCTION The need to control and direct the flow of water was recognized at a very eeirly stage in the development of civilization. In Europe and Asia can be seen the relics of hydraulic works, some of great antiquity, which display a high degree of engineering accomplishment, the best known of which are the aqueducts, which the Romans built to bring water to their cities. In the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneim can be still seen lead piping, which conveyed water to houses and gardens, and which included orifice plates to act as flow limiting devices, providing a basis on which the service was charged to the consumer. These were installed almost 2,000 years ago. Some of these techniques were introduced to North America by engineers, who accompanied the Spanish nissionaries and whose work can still be seen at some of the missions in California

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