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Title: LNG Operations And Measurement
Author: Carl H. Myers
Source: 1977 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: At the present time, there are more than 100 locations in North America where Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is utilized in some manner by a gas distribution utility. These plants range in size from small stand-by facilities assembled from shop built-up components to large import terminals capable of handling thousands of barrels of LNG daily. Because of the high vapor-to-liquid volumetric ratio of natural gas (approximately 620:1), a large quantity of energy is stored and handled in relatively small but highly specialized hardware components. Use of cryogenic technology permits us to store 1,000,000 Mcf or more in a tank which physically is no larger than a 6 MMCF low-pressure gas holder. Flows of 2,000 MCFH are handled in eight-inch lines discharging from small electricdriven pumps where the pressure is increased from near atmospheric to hundreds of pounds per square inch.

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