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Title: Field Testing Of An Ultrasonic Meter At Extreme Installation Conditions
Author: Lars Farestvedt
Source: American Gas Association 2001
Year Published: 2001
Abstract: The FMC Kongsberg MPU 1200 - Multipath Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter was originally designed for the offshore environment of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Due to the compactness required for offshore applications, the meter was designed to handle installations where severe ultrasonic noise and severe flow profile disturbances are present. The MPU 1200 has been through a number of tests with ultrasonic noise and disturbed flow profile. Two of these tests are discussed in this paper. As the paper shows, the MPU 1200 can be installed in installations with severe noise and flow disturbances, though not necessarily recommended at installations as severe as what has been tested here.

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