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Title: Helpful Hints On The Installation And Operation Op Regulators
Author: Chas. D. Peterson
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: Under the stress of war conditions, it is very important to maintain pressure regulating and controlling equipment to make it last for the duration and, secondly, to make it operate to its maximum efficiency. Automatic control equipment of every type has been on the critical list and hard to obtain because of the thousands of new installations needed for national defense. Existing equipment has to be used and a lot of otherwise obsolete equipment has or must be salvaged to take care of some emergency needs. Gas pressure regulators, gas pressure relief valves, motor valves, and pilot operated types ol regulating equipment are many times neglected .Jmply because tliey are entirely automatic in their operation and do not require much attention. Many automatic devices are left alone to operate without attention until some serious difficulty arises as caused by inoperation of the control. Such a difficultry or interruption of service could be overcome in many cases by the regular inspection, checking and cleaning of the control equipment.

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